
part 7

Sorry 6wlt 3laikum, wasnt feeling well !

Enjoy ;*

It took me a while to fall asleep, the thought of him sleeping close to me made my stomach flip. AJustify Fullfter a few hours I managed to doze off, but to be quickly awakened by a faint voice calling my name.

"jana .... jana .... jana ... jana"
I sat up to look at him thinking he was awake, I was furious and was ready to explode on him but he was actually asleep. He was chanting my name in his sleep.

Did he really love me?

OR was he really an obsessive stalker?

I gave him my back once again and drifted off to sleep.

His phone started ringing at 8, apparently it was his mother, whom I havent met nor has he brought up yet!

"goum your phone is ringing"
You can easily tell how irritated I was, I hated this!

He cleared his throat before answering "hala bl '3alya .... hala yuma ... b5air 3sach b5air ..... wala il 7imdilah .... ee mn ams.... inshalah ilyoum ayeech .... ee yuma ehya m3ay g3da agolich mn ams shfeech .... yuma gltlich ehya zojty 3jbkum aw la o byebha m3ay il bait ..... e9er khair .... m3a il salama!"

He turned to face me "sorry g3ditch"

"your mother knows about me?"

"akeed tadree, ana gltlaha iny tzawjtich whya kalimat ahalich bs uhma mo 3jbhum ina kl shay 9ar ib sr3a wna ma glthum bs lat5afen they will love you" he pulled me close to him placing my head on his chest, I wanted to cry not because I was disgusted with him but because I needed to be hugged so badly and all I had left was him in this world!

"shfeech janoonty lat7aten ahaly b3dain i7na malna shu'3ul feehum our life is ours 9a7"

I just nodded.

"yala 7beebty gomay 5alena we change o go out for breakfast b3dain aby awdech shopping 3shan '3da bait oboy aby il kl yitkalam 3nich" I wasnt quit sure if I should have been happy or insulted!

We both showered, changed and headed to Movenpic for breakfast, then we went to Avenues to do our shopping. He wanted me to show him everything I bought, he had an opinion about everything.

I just stayed quiet.

At 12- ish we headed home, there was a lady waiting for me.

She did my hair, my make up, my nails and I was ready.

He approached me, placing his hands around my waist and give me a quick peck on my right cheek "gumar"

I just looked down.

"7beebty ahaly ma ydroun bly 9ar o ma abehum ydroun kl ily e3rfouna inich i5t faisal wna 7a6 3ainy m3ach mn ziman ok"

"um, ahaly bkonoun mwjoden?" I dont know why I asked

"akeed baba"
flashing me a smile.

I took the chance to look at him, he wasnt handsome. Some might even say he was ugly-ish but there was something attractive about him.

His presence.

His opinion.

His attitude.

It was just so damn sexy!


Anonymous said...

il mafro'6 ena akraha 3alaa eliis awah .. ba AAAAAAAAAAA5AAAAAAAAAAAAIH 3ALAIH!! YAA WAILL 7ALIII!! eyaneeen wala eyaneeeen;*

Anonymous said...

i still hate him if he really loved her he would wnt the best for her

noush said...

anonymous: 9aaa7?? I wanna hate him as well BUT he is just so charming *sigh* ;p

noush said...

geraninium: I guess people have a different understanding to what love is!

Danah said...

hes so nice to her :O
i kinda like him!!
loved the post! plz post soon

Anonymous said...

hmmm madry shagool 3anna, i think he definately doesn't understand boundries o he treated her like shit, nothing excuses ely sawah.

ba3dain faj2a he is nice???!! hmm, maybe he has clinical anger issues that only kick in when he gets really angry? madry, he's contradicting and confusing...which makes him more real ;P


Anonymous said...

Amaazzzing POST:* plz post tonight;cant wait for the nxt posst;p

thaank uu:**

noush said...

Danah: yes he is, he really does love her he just has an odd way of showing it ;s

just posted ;*

E: akeed nothing does, but in his mind it was the only way he can get her and being nice is his way of showing her that despite what he did he loves ;p

im glad he sounds real :D

5232: thaaank you 7beebty for your comments and for reading ;*

I just posted!